What Are Different Types Of Earrings? - Earrings tips every woman should know - Calmshops.co.uk

Earrings are hands down one of the most versatile wearing items nowadays and if you are a big fan of fashion, you have probably already noticed it. Over the years, earrings have become a fundamental part of jewelry for women from all cultures all around the world. From the ancient China beautiful designs to the glamourous Grece, and the exotic Egyptian jewels, all of them have a unique style that adds a spark of inspiration into today’s world fashion, making it a diverse area in which your creativity is the only limit. You can in fact find earrings for each type of person, from the most extravagant to simple, casual designs, they are all in the market, making it very convenient for modern women.

We can find this popular accessory in all colors, from gloomy shades to bright, alive colors, as well as in a broad variety of materials from which they are made. You will see them in nearly all materials available at hand, ranging from plastic, wood and seashells to silver, gold and diamonds. On that account, this translates in a wide range of manufacturing methods developed over time, along with the different technological advancements available during each time in history. In consequence you can find expensive and affordable earrings, according to several factors, as the ones mentioned above. In this article, we will provide a series of different types of earrings for various occasions that definitely help you to rock your style, so continue reading and get ready to shine.


This is a classic and subtle design that has become a basic, meaning that you can find in every woman’s jewelry box. This kind of earring can be found in several sizes, colors and some variations in the shape as well. One of the benefits that many women find in choosing a pair of studs for their ears, is that they tend to be very light-weight, meaning that they are comfortable and you will nos have any risk of hurting your lobes by dangling them down. When you wear one of these, you will notice how they seem to hug your ear instead, exactly in the middle of the earlobe. 

You will commonly see this jewelry incorporating diamonds or some other sort of gemstone which makes them look very beautiful, even when they are modest. Chances are that you have noticed how many people prefer the studs over other types of earrings, the reason behind is simply because you can wear them on a daily basis for any event, depending on how you combine them with the rest of your accessories and your outfit.


This model is quite easy to recognize and has been a standard in many countries. We can find them in ancient Egyptians the same as in old American stars, as well as in several queens in the history of the world. Although trends come and go, the hoops somehow tend to remain in everyone’s set of options. If you go to your local jewelry store, you will most likely find them in various shapes and sizes, not only the typical circle form but also, squares, stars and hearts. A hoop earring is usually very light in weight, although it is mainly related to the material from which it is made and extra stuff it can have. Currently, some people associate hoops with a symbol of strength besides being a beautiful item.

Drop Earrings

Such a flexible design, drop earrings are also a shape that can be found in many colors and materials as well as variation. If you still don’t have a pair of this, you are missing out the fun of being able to combine this amazing model with a lot of outfits. Just like its name suggests, a drop earring will hang down your lobe but not below, it is similar to the stud, the difference is that it will be slightly below your ear, so they will stay in place regardless of how much you move. You will usually see them adorned with some bright item, which can be a gemstone or other beautiful material.


This classic accessory can sometimes look a little bit similar to drop earrings, and the main difference lies in the freedom of movement that the dangles have. Contrary to drop earrings, dangles will move along with your head, so you will definitely see them swinging all around. This design will be hanging below your earlobe and the length can vary, meaning that you can find short earrings but also very long ones, some of them even reaching your shoulders. When it comes to dangles, you can get yourself great fun versions, made out of wire or a chain and having a nice gemstone at the end, such as a pearl or sapphire, or a combination of them.


Actually shaped as the light fourniture they are called after, these earrings are very glamorous and should be worn on special occasions, such as a formal event at night or a nice party. Actually this is one of the most popular designs for wedding jewelry, often chosen by brides, which is a clear sign of how special this shape can be. Chandeliers are the work art resulting from the combination of some beads or other types of jewels connected with each other, and which are free to move such as dangles. There are many variants of this kind of earring, and regardless of which one you choose for yourself, one thing is for sure, they will make the difference. Let’s face it, often the accessories play a huge role in setting your look apart.

Ear Cuffs

This is a bold design that delineates the silhouette of your ear, often traveling along the top edge of it . Even when many people hesitate to wear them, they can add a reckless touch to your look. Remember that it is nice to try new accessories in order to know what you like better, and how do you feel more comfortable, which will ultimately define how confident you are.

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