What is 1A Hair Type? The Complete Guide To Straight Hair - Calmshops.co.uk

Straight Hair

As women we are all made different, from our eyes color, to our dressing patterns, and makeup preferences, there is a wide variety of options, but one thing is for sure, we love to feel comfortable and self confident with our hairstyle. One of the most important things we consider in our look is the hair, because let's face it, even if we are wearing the finest clothes, stunning makeup and the coolest accessories, we will not get out of the house if we don’t like the way our hair looks. Whether you have a pin-straight shape or a lot of volume, rocking a curly mane, you will want to look and feel like a fashionista.

If you have super straight hair and want to know more about it, how you can take care of it properly and style it like a pro, keep reading. In this article we will provide you with the ultimate guide in case that you have type 1a hair, don't worry if you still don't know what that means, we will clarify it in the paragraphs below. So, keep reading to discover the top products, styling methods and looks you can incorporate.

What Exactly Does 1A Hair Mean?

This exceptional hair type can be described as the straightest hair shape you can find. People with this kind of mane often experience quite fine hair, with a lightly (not heavy) silky texture that commonly looks shiny, especially when we are looking at natural, undyed manes. The reason why you often see people with straight hair having a glowy texture, is because the natural oils emitted by the scalp can easily be distributed all the way down to the hair ends.

Probably you are now wondering why the experts came up with the name 1a to describe your type of hair. It all comes down to a famous system called Andre Walker, which specializes in classifying all the various types of hair into 4 principal categories: one, two, three and four. As you may imagine, starting by 1 we have the most straight pattern, then 2 is a bit wavy, number 3 adds even more curls and 4 is the type of hair that we often see in afro-american people (super curly). Then the letters are just a way of further breaking down the categories depending on the level of curliness, so following this logic 1a will be the most straight hair, while 4c is the most curly one, and then a 2b will be a medium term, kind of wavy hair.

Choosing Your Products Wisely

According to the type of strands that you have, you will need a personalized care and beauty routine, using special products that suit you better. Whether you use a shampoo, conditioner, detangling cream, nourishing serum, as well as devices such as curlers and straighteners, everything must be adequate to meet your particular needs. This will be very helpful to keep your locks healthy and beautiful, whether you dye your hair or not, or even if you apply heat procedures on a regular basis.

The Struggles That Come With Straight Hair

Since not all strands are the same, they also experience different issues related to biological factors. For the surprise of many out there, people with straight hair face some problems that can be overwhelming, it is not uncommon to see males and females with 1a hair type struggling in humid weather due to the frizz caused to their locks, making them hard to detangle and manage, since the hair doesn’t stay in place as easy as other types. Straight hair can also mean thin locks, which in some cases may be a cause of premature hair loss or even getting bald at a younger age, compared to people with curls or waves. So, next time you feel envy for those who have 1a type, you may want to rethink the risks.

Another issue that is frequently seen in straight shapes, is the fact that there is an increased risk of damage when there is a significant exposure to heat sources, such as straightening into different styles or using the curler to create some waves. The recommendation from the experts for people who want to use these popular cosmetic devices is to apply the tool only once, and always prefer low over top temperatures, besides the use of a special product that can effectively prepare your hair to receive heat and properly stay in place. Finally, it might be quite a hassle to style your hair into any shape when compared with other hair types if you fall into the type 1a classification, you may experience an increased difficulty to add volume and manage your mane, which is caused by the simple reason it is extremely thin.

How To Add Shape To Your 1A Hair Type

If you feel sad thinking that you cannot possibly rock some nice curls, think twice. It is possible, and you might need to read this guide, which is perfect to add a little bit of texture to your strands. You just are going to need the correct products from preparing your hair correctly to using an adequate curling too. Probably you want to shop hair straighteners now, just make sure to follow these steps for better long-lasting results. First, you want to make sure that your hair is clean, avoid using any conditioners in order to keep the style in place once you are done with your curls. 

Use a special product to protect your strands from the top temperatures, this will prevent any damage to your already fragile hair. Once you have finished your curls, apply a generous amount of hairspray, which will be a great aid to maintain your hairstyle for a longer period, whether you prefer waves or vintage curls. One of the most important tips that you should incorporate into your curling routine is opting for lower temperatures, even if you need to do it more slowly and take a bit longer. Believe it, when it comes to protecting your mane, your hard work and dedication pays off.

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